Saturday, July 12, 2008


I'm now back home. I've been doing a lot of reflecting on the past month that I spent living in Las Vegas.

Going into Vegas, I was concerned about "making the most" of the trip. I made lists of activities I wanted to accomplish. In hindsight, I am glad I did this. Seeing progress in my life is important to me. Right now, I believe there are so many things in this world I've yet to experience. Setting black-and-white goals helps me to clearly see progress. I didn't end up doing every single activity I brainstormed, but I did most of it, and I feel satisfied. The trip has made me very enthusiastic about experiencing new places. Most of my housemates had a lot more traveling experience than me, and I now want to change that about myself. I see myself going to make different locations over the next few years.

During my second week in Vegas, I wished that my housemates had more of an enthusiasm to go out and "experience" Vegas, rather than relax around the house. By the final few days, however, Jethro and cntgetmedown were likely wishing the same of me. I had grown homesick during the tail end of the trip. Vegas is so fast, and it's hard for many people to take in large doses.

On my flight home, I realized that I missed my housemates already. Corny, I know. It was great to have a group of friends in which we all have a common interest, and helped us to bond easily. I feel that we executed the entire plan of the house well. I really hope I get to see these guys again, even if not in the same setting next time.

Now that I'm back home, I'm going to finally play through Metal Gear Solid 4. I love the MGS series because it challenges me intellectually. This aspect obviously does not exist in many video games. Woven into the plot of each game are important philosophical topics. The ongoing evolution of our species; the purpose (if any) of our lives; the best government system and how one can truly measure what that is. The creator of the series is a complete genius. Each time the next installment in the series is released, I become enthralled in a video game for the first time in years.

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