Sunday, August 17, 2008

Time management

I have a huge problem with time management. I've create lists of the tasks I need to accomplish in the near future, but struggle to completely them in an efficient and timely manner. Hours of each day are wasted doing things that bring little benefit to my life. I need to start pushing out these wasteful periods of my day. The first step I've made is blocking myself from being able to access Facebook indefinitely. I should also halt myself from using AIM, as I feel that I waste way too much time making small talk on it.

I have come to the realization that so much of your time during the day is spent with simple maintenance. Hygiene, eating, cleaning your house, buying groceries, making basic income. These activities are simply done in order to maintain a basic condition and rhythm. They don't enhance your life from what it was in the recent past. Most of the things we do in life are not with intentions of progress, but just maintenance. The struggle becomes trying to maximize time spent making progression in life. I tell myself I care so much about self-improvement within various areas of my life. However, this requires hard work that allows little time to relax.

I have been running bad at 5/10 in particular the past week or so, and it is extremely frustrating. I have decided to buy out of both bets I made for poker results this month (one with WOW UR BAD, and one with Jethro). I have not been this frustrated about poker in over 6 months, even though I am still up a couple thousand on the month. There is nothing worse for an online cash player to run well at their lower stakes (2/4 and 3/6 for me), but run badly at their higher games.

1 comment:

Bazclef said...

Getting Things Done by David Allen is completely legendary for time management/prioritisation. There are audiobooks of it kicking around torrent sites too. Would highly recommend it.