Monday, September 1, 2008

School's back in session

I can't show a screenshot for my August results since the stats are on two computers still, but I finished +$8K over 13K hands. Considering the long break-even stretch I endured for the majority of the month, I cannot complain about these results. The stretch hurt my interest in poker and made me not play during days I had ample free time. This is my worst month since February, but the key is to simply get back on the horse. It is very beneficial that poker players measure success in months, because it allows one to mentally reset at the beginning of each month.

Classes started up last week. Strangely enough, I'm somewhat excited about academics for this semester. It has hit me that college is a big stage of my life that is about to end. I should make the most of what is left. I also want to prove I can get a respectable GPA if I apply myself. Since an adolescent, I've essentially done the minimum in school to get by.

We live in a society where we make the most of what we feel we're best at. Specialization. There are many, many areas of life in which I do not excel. I should be utilizing my strengths to the maximum. But have I? My 3.0 GPA in college certainly does not reflect that. It might be too late to completely reshape my academic accomplishments. However, it is not too late to turn around my work ethic in life.

I recently opened a Netflix subscription. I love movies, but realized recently that there are many highly-acclaimed films that I have never seen. I started out with renting Vanilla Sky, The Departed, and The Prestige. All three of them are excellent films that are intellectually challenging, and now I'm craving more. If you have any movies you'd like to recommend based on my taste in these three, let me know.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Good God I have so many movie recommendations. I need time.