Monday, December 1, 2008

November results, crazy week

In spite of this being my best month to date, it did not go as smoothly as you'd assume. I lost $7K in a single HU match, then went on a mini-downswing the second half of the month. (Yes I realize that it is minuscule enough to not even bother mentioning.) Regardless, I am very proud of how the results turned out. I should be able to crank out this many hands playing HU on most months.


My past few days have been dramatic. One of my tires randomly blew out on I-95 at 1:30 AM on Friday. My dad came out to the highway (right next to the exit of a rough neighborhood) and helped put a donut on my car since I had no experience doing so. Consequently, I had to get new tires the following day. I found out the hard way that the parts for nicer cars have RIDICULOUSLY inflated prices. Then on Sunday I got in a car accident. The weather was 35 degrees and pouring rain. I was going just 55 MPH in a 65 MPH zone on a major highway. The left lane came to an immediate halt, and my car had too much momentum for me to stop in time. I rear-ended the Ford Focus in front of me, and it caused a domino effect that created a 4 car accident.

The old Notorious B.I.G. adage holds a lot of weight: "More money, more problems". To be specific... the more material possessions you own, the more complex and stressful everyday life becomes. it ties down your feeling of independence, freedom, and forces you to place highly priority on material objects than they deserve. Also, everything loses its luster. Millionaires don't enthusiastically jump out of bed every morning just because they have a Porsche and a 6,000 square foot home. A happy life is fulfilled through being content with what you have, and happiness is derived from making the most of your interpersonal relationships with friends and family. I often desire nice things, and want to be a homeowner soon, but also need to exert self-control on buying unnecessary things.

The world has to learn that the actual pleasure derived from material things is of rather low quality on the whole and less even in quantity than it looks to those who have not tried it.
-Oliver Wendell Holmes

I am extremely occupied with academics for the next week-and-change, so I doubt I will be blogging or playing much poker in the near future. In the meantime, I sincerely hope everyone who reads my blog runs well at both poker and life. :)



LuckySOB said...

Nice month........why in the hell did I quit playing HU again?

Danny said...

Congrats on your best month to date. When am I going to get some love on your "Friend's blog list"? Do I need to spew you some more money like I did earlier in the semester? LOL

Dominic said...

I get soul owned at HUNL, but congrats on some very impressive results.

The graphs on my blog are no where near that impressive but I have my fingers crossed that they will soon.(well one day)

I'm loving reading all of these blogs and can't beleive that I've only started reading them since writting my own.

Good luck.