Monday, November 24, 2008

Life is full of 180s

Poker has been rough the last 4 days. Things have definitely cooled down. In my opinion, the recent struggle has largely been my fault. I have become complacent AND impatient with poker. After being on a heater, I have begun going into every match thinking I can play sloppily and still come out a big winner. I have begun making very unjustifiable call-downs, FPS plays, and other -EV plays. The full realization of this came to me today, and I decided to voluntarily freeze my Full Tilt account for 2 days. I could definitely use the breather.

Abruptly stressing over academics hasn't helped the situation either. Back in August, I made a blog entry that set a goal of getting a 4.0 GPA this semester. Well, I completely aborted that plan by September. My attendance rate is slightly improved this semester (still well below the student average), but I spend almost zero time doing work outside of class. Courses have become more difficult in senior year, and it's showing. Today, reality hit me: I am way behind in most of my classes. This has caused me to stress quite a lot now that I realize final exams are right around the corner. I'm trying to combat this by setting a To-Do List for each class, and prioritizing what I need to do in order to salvage my GPA for the semester.

At least Thanksgiving break is coming up. It's a well-timed break since I could use some relaxation, and a change of scenery.

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