Monday, November 3, 2008

October results

Okay so if you can't tell, I ran like god in October. My work ethic was awful, yet I got rewarded. I used to tease my friend IHaveAStrong9 for having months like this, and now it would be hypocritical. In spite of the fact that this was my best month to date, it is still pretty sad how few hands I logged in. I spend too much time talking on AIM, railing high stakes games, browsing mindless forum discussion, and doing other unproductive activities. A big leak I have is mentally set a rough monetary goal for each month. Once I hit that plateau, I become unmotivated to grind.

Probably the biggest highlight of the month was one of my final matches. On October 31st, I played Huck Seed at about 11 AM eastern time. He spewed like a completely monkey and essentially handed me $3K. Once I reflected on the session, I realized it was very early on the west coast and he was likely drunk from the night before. Regardless, it still feels good to beat up on a red pro who has been on TV many times, and is even touted by his peers for supposedly being a very good heads-up player.

On a lighter note... this was the first year that I fully experienced Halloween since childhood. Halloween is incredibly fun while in college, but I didn't take advantage of it until now. I went to a couple haunted houses, rented horror movies, and spent a good bit of time brainstorming my costume (I was a rapper). My close friends had a big Halloween party on Friday. It was going really well until the Pittsburgh police broke up the party. I would say 90%+ of the people there were of legal drinking age. No one was arrested fortunately, but it was still incredibly frustrating to have a good party ruined.


100shots said...

Nice month as allways son. I'm glad you did well against Huck Seed, I don't really know him well, but from what I can recall he tilts me in some way.
Why did they break up the party? Was it because your music was too loud or they suspected that there were a lot of people underage?

whitewash said...

I didn't get details, but I heard that they told my friends they were making too much noise. This is a bit ridiculous since 3 of the 4 homes in the row were holding Halloween parties, and no families live in the block. It is unlikely that any residents called the police and complained, but rather that the police were just driving around looking for lively parties to break up.

LuckySOB said...

nice month......lazy ass