Friday, November 21, 2008

Stephen grind? lolololol

Something strange has happened, and I don't like it. If anyone here can help me cure this solution, I would greatly appreciate it. The problem: I've actually had motivation to grind! I'm on pace to play over 25K hands this month. This may not sound like much to a lot of you guys... but for a HU player who is in school full time, it isn't easy. Anyway, I've actually been grinding while having good results, which is even more surprising. Usually if I'm grinding it's because I'm trying to get unstuck. This seems to hold true with many other players.

Many of those who read this blog don't actually have a Facebook (what is WRONG with you people?!)... but to those that do, I have an interesting question. I have been contemplating deleting some people who have friended me on facebook over the 4 years I've had it. There is something very unnatural about how Facebook permanentely glues you to every random acquaintence, girl you went on a date with, etc. The natural process in life is for people to slowly fall out of your life. Problem is, it's considered rude (and even malicious, to some) to unfriend someone without ample reasoning. Anyone have thoughts on this?

I am going on vacation with John/PuddlePirate and Ryan/WOWURBAD next month. I haven't traveled nearly as much as I would like to, so this should be a good start. I made a $100 cross-bet with John on getting all our passport stuff mailed out for rush order by today (Friday). The bet seemed to be very beneficial since it stopped us from procrastinating. We have not decided where we want to go yet, but I think we are leaning towards somewhere in the Caribbean or South America for a week. We want to go somewhere warm with young people and things to do. Suggestions are more than welcome, as none of us seem to be terribly knowledge on locations. There seem to be dozens of choices just within the Caribbean.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Problem is, it's considered rude (and even malicious, to some) to unfriend someone without ample reasoning. Anyone have thoughts on this?"

Seriously? If you don't care enough about the person to have them in your facebook page, then why care what they think of you? Delete them and move on if it shwta you want.