Monday, November 5, 2007

Ron Paul cured my apathy

I feel like it's my duty to tell you guys about presidential candidate Ron Paul (if you don't already know him). Ron Paul is a strong advocate of social AND economic freedom. He reflects the views of many poker players. He's also the first of his kind with a REAL chance to win the election.

I donated $100 to him today. It was the first time I've ever donated money to a political campaign. The past couple years, I was apathetic to world issues and our government, because I figured nothing would change in the right direction. Our country has been heading towards bigger government: more spending, more bureaucracy, and less of the ideals our founding fathers sought. Here are some of the key views Ron Paul advocates:

1.) Elimination of the IRS and the income tax. Revenue from income taxes only represents a third of all government spending. If we cut spending levels to what it was at the beginning of the 21st century, we wouldn't even need the money from income taxes anymore. The income tax didn't even exist until last century, and is completely unnecessary.

2.) No longer being the world's police force. Ron Paul has recognized for the past 3 decades that the US trying to police the world has only created negative effects. A large reason for animosity towards America is because we have been trying to tell other countries how to run themselves. We do not need to police the world in order to achieve free trade, and happy relationships with other nations.

3.) Elimination of social security. Everyone knows that the SS system in this country is quickly going broke. We are pouring billions of dollars into a system that won't be able to support older Americans anyway. Ron Paul supports privatizing social security, which is the only logical path to take in order to fix this mess created.

Even if you "don't care about politics", there is still a lot to be gained from supporting Ron Paul. I strongly recommend everyone do some basic research on him (he has a ton of videos on Youtube), and donate if you feel that he represents where America should be heading.


November is off to a good start poker-wise. I hate to set monetary goals, since they are hard to achieve in a swingy game.... but if I make less than 8K this month, I will be disappointed.


jethro said...

Elimination of income taxes? Dream on lol.

Liz said...

Paul was the first campaign I donated to as well. I screencapped by donation, haha.

cntgetmedown said...

seems interesting, but i have to quote jethro for truth on this one. which country dosen't have income taxes nowadays? doesn't seem like a realistic goal.