Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Screw you, school

Unfortunately, I have two papers due on Monday, as well as a difficult exam next week. It appears that academics are going to get the most attention in my life for the time-being. This means I'm going to go very light on poker for the next week or so. This is frustrating because I set lofty goals for poker lately. I am going to make sure I get 25K quality hands in this month.

A recommendation to anyone who enjoys watching good TV poker: You need to watch the television shows " Scandinavian Poker Masters: The Game" and "Million Dollar Cash Game". Both shows were recorded in Europe last fall, and both have been great to watch for serious poker players. The Scandinavian show is a 6 handed cash game that has lots of intelligent, aggressive players. It plays just like an internet cash game, and actually makes for great television. You should be able to find both shows on Pokertube, as well as various torrents.

1 comment:

cntgetmedown said...

Ty for the info, I'm torrenting the sweedish game now.