Wednesday, January 30, 2008

January Results

I know that there's another 24 hours or so in the month, but I had a really rough day yesterday, so I'm just declaring myself done for January. This may be the last time I post my results here (any accountant would advise against doing so), so make sure you appreciate them this time:

This is the best month I've ever had, but I am not very satisfied. I under-preformed at 6 handed, and I had plenty of times in general where I wasn't playing my A-game. I had a rough end to the month. The mixture of variance and life tilt (I need to deal with relationship issues better than I do) almost made a recipe for disaster.

One thing I need to drastically work on is not letting my pride get in the way. During HU matches, I find myself getting stuck versus competent players and not wanting to quit. I need to set some kind of stop-loss, especially when I'm playing someone I feel I have a small edge against anyway.

I'm going to set a general goal of playing at least 10K hands HU, and 15K hands at six max each month this semester. It's reasonable, and a good way to balance out what I'm doing so I don't get complacent when I play.

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