Thursday, January 24, 2008

Shitty time right now

I'm still up 5 digits on the month, but Im currently on a 9 buy-in downswing. A lot of it has to do with abruptly breaking up with Allison. I'm definitely playing shitty right now.

Time to take a few days off. If you see me playing, please punch me.


Bazclef said...

Sorry to hear about the breakup dude.

Taking a few days off is a great decision. When I split up with my ex I played for a few days and just wasn't focussed, leaked $$$ all over the place. I stopped and took a week off before any big damage was done, it's definately the right decision to do whatever you have to to keep yourself off the tables for a few days.

Lewis Cash said...

Second that, take the money you would be losing and spend it on booze and hang out with your friends. I hope things straighten out for you.

Lewis Cash said...

Haven't heard from you on your blog... still taking a break. Hope all is well.