Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bottle service = baller

Thursday was my friend Kyle's 22nd birthday, so a group of us went out to Tao to celebrate. Tao is one of the trendier nightclubs in Vegas, located in the Venetian. We decided to call ahead and get bottle service. This is more expensive than paying a cover charge and buying individual drinks, but it allows you to skip the line and get your own table. We were told the stipulation was that we had to get at least one bottle for every two guys. We ended up getting Grey Goose and Jack Daniels (it was four of us) which totaled about $700 before tip. I had red bull and vodka, my favorite mixed drink.

We told one of the butler-type assistants to go find us women. He came through and brought a few girls to our table. By this point I was very drunk so I don't remember details well, but I spoke with a girl who had moved to Vegas from Canada. We ended up dancing for a bit and then parted ways. By this point, I was feeling sick. I eventually threw up in the bathroom. Apparently clubs like this will often kick people out if they get sick, but they let me off with a basic warning. I ended up leaving shortly there-after and grabbing a cab home.

When I woke up at 9:30 AM the next morning, I was still hammered. I have never been drunk from the previous night like this before. I still don't feel quite right, as if I'm going through a multiple-day hangover. I'm usually a very responsible drinker and I definitely drink less than the average 21 year old, but sometimes when I have mixed drinks it is difficult to track how much alcohol I've consumed. If I had paced myself a little more, I could have gone to Spearmint Rhino with the guys afterwards. Oh well... guess I saved money?

Jethro and cntgetmedown arrive this weekend, which I'm pretty excited about. I've been talking to them a lot over the past year, and the three of us were the brains behind the vegas house.

Here are some pictures of us playing a home game, as well as my adventure skydiving:

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Why does that guy have his shirt off? You guys playing strip poker?