Tuesday, April 1, 2008

March results

March was a fun month. I ran $5K below expectation in all-in pots, but still had pretty solid results.

My break-even stretch came to an abrupt halt 2 weeks ago, and I pretty much coasted the second half of March. The only bump came yesterday, when I lost 4 buy-ins at 3/6 NL to an okay French player. I played him before and thought he was fishy, but he's not bad enough for me to waste my time chasing anymore. Anyway, here ya go:

I've started testing the water with 3/6 NL heads-up. Even though I got pulverized yesterday, it has gone well overall. I'm going to be pretty strict about table selecting 3/6 NL for now. I always talked the past few months about wanting to feel comfortable playing 2/4 to 5/10 NL based on where the good games are, so I'm finally following through with that. There is some serious money to be made being a really good HU player at this range of stakes.


Unknown said...

Nice month whitewash.

jethro said...

teach me HU now

LuckySOB said...

Nice month, obv a very solid HU player