Saturday, March 1, 2008

February Results

Well this month sucked. I should count my blessings for not having a losing month, but it is extremely unsatisfying to fluctuate between even and +$4K for an entire month. This is my worst month since May 2007 (a point where I was simply a small winner at 100NL).

To be honest, I did not play very well in February. Until just recently, I believed I could crank out wins without a strong effort. I was RARELY deliberate about decisions in big pots, and I did little to improve my game outside of just playing. I decided now to buy my first poker books in about 2+ years, purchasing Tommy Angelo and Bill Chen's books after getting recommendations on both. I also have become a member of Leggo Poker, which I think will help my game out a lot. The Leggo instructors seem awesome for mid-stakes NL.

I'm gonna shoot for 30-35K hands this month, which should be doable since spring break is coming up, and I dropped the most difficult class I had this semester. I'm going to be visiting Atlantic City, and then NYC during spring break, so this month should be fun.

Honestly, I just want the harsh Pittsburgh winter to end. Nothing makes me happier than driving down the country roads (back home... not in Pittsburgh obviously) with my windows down when it's May, 70 degrees and sunny out.


DODGYKEN said...

I've said it a million places before, but I'll say it again here. Having a bad month is often inspiration to really kick your arse into gear and start improving again. It was for me, it was for Jason, it looks like Andr3w321 just went through a similar thing. Make sure you work hard and it wouldn't surprise me if March is one of your best ever months. Also, just think of how cool it is that this amount of money was a bad month for you!

LuckySOB said...

Agreed, I got cocky after a huge Dec and then put in my place in Jan. So I put hard work and learning back into my game and did well in Feb.....running super bad in Jan didn't help either....I'm Jason btw, Dodgy may have used my name not realizing I'm an unknown.

Also to answer your questoin about 2 things, the hourly rate was off, check my comment in my blog to see......but it actually came to $95/hr, you were correct. And why I cash out so much. I do it becasue I support a lot. This is my wifes second marriage, she's 10 yrs older than me and has 2 boys in college. Their dad is a dead beat. Poker pays for ALL my personal bills which are high, puts both them through college, and is replacing money lost by my in-laws because my wife convinced them to build a home with us as investors adn we are taking a large loss on it. I used to be a builder before market died. Anyway, I take a min of $7K out per month and often more. I've cashed out $53K out of my poker account since last October. It's quite depressing to me to know I could have over a $75K BR if I didn't have to cash so much and be taking shots at 2000nl, but I'm still gratefull I could find a good income in poker after I had to shut down my company.